We all need an ally. Someone to fight with us, stand by us, and believe in us.
The great ones never did it alone.
We are one race – the human race.
Rise up NOW.
Take a stand for unity, equality, dignity, and justice.
Make a difference.
Act now.
Create change.
It’s time.
The world needs your contribution.

Step 1 – DONATE
For nearly 100 years, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has defended the constitutional rights of all people. Their work isn’t about one person, one party or one issue. It’s about all of us, coming together, daring to create a more perfect union.
We are one race – the HUMAN race.
My hope is to raise at least
$5,000 towards the cause.
Whether you can contribute $1, $10, $100 or $1,000.
Every dollar counts.
Read more about their mission and
donate now via the below official link.

Change can begin with one person.
All you need is an IDEA.
That idea creates movement to ACTION.
Action creates CHANGE.
As I reflected on how I can give back and be of service, I thought what better way than offering my personal coaching services in exchange for ANY donation to the ACLU.
Once you’ve completed step 1, click the link below to enter to win one of the 15 allotted, one-on-one 90 minute coaching sessions.
In your form submission, include your first and last name, email, and reference "ACLU - Enter to Win" in the subject.
No gimmicks, no strings attached. 100 percent my gift to you.

Our nation is going through a DEATH and a REBIRTH.
Our external world is merely a reflection of the collective internal worlds of our society.
To change our outer world, as Gandhi said, we must first start with ourselves – shedding what no longer serves us to make space for the new.
The unprecedented times we are living in is a divine invitation to break down our own internal walls and barriers that we have built up to protect us from experiencing pain, heartache, and sadness.
These protective mechanisms and, the contracted and limited version that we have been living as, are no longer serving us and are getting in the way of us living fully, embracing all of life and loving big.
Through coaching, we’ll dive deep to uncover limiting beliefs, blocks, and ingrained patterns and ways of being that are ultimately keep you stuck and prevent you from living your most authentic life.
As we identify, explore, and awaken aspects of your authentic self that you have denied and reconnect you to your true self, a freedom will open up within you enabling you to create the life you REALLY want to live and enabling you to give all of yourself to the world.
You can be the change you wish to see in the world.
One step and one action at a time.

Are you....
Looking to shift and bust through old patterns of behaviors, blocks, and limiting beliefs, and fears that are getting in the way of living the life you were born to live?
Ready to break free of your inner critic and the expectations that have been placed on you and stop doubting and questioning your greatness?
​Longing for connection, belonging, closeness, and love and finding yourself seeking it externally rather than cultivating it from within?
Ready to let love in fully, to reclaim and stand in your power, to boldly and confidently speak your truth, and unapologetically connect back to and own ALL of who you authentically are?
Tired of people pleasing and always prioritizing others’ needs instead of your own?
​Constantly pre-occupied in your head and find it challenging to be fully present in any given moment, always rationalizing, analyzing, rehashing, or escaping your present reality?
Results You Can Expect
My Coaching Sessions are Designed to –
Overcome your limiting beliefs and re-connect to the joy and love that you inherently are to create a life filled with peace, presence, freedom, and abundance.
Cultivate trust and safety in your body to make it supremely safe to be present in everything that you do and to communicate to all parts of you that all emotions are safe and welcome.
Connect you back to the innate passion, fire, and power within you, enabling you to own all of who you authentically are and express yourself in alignment to that authentic version.
Get you to unapologetically own your voice advocating for your own needs and communicate with clarity, confidence, and conviction.
Allow you to boldly and courageously love and accept yourself and others to fully set yourself free.
Re-establish the trust in yourself, your intuition, and your inner knowledge and wisdom.
Have you undeniably know your worth, fully embracing your uniqueness and unplugging from the validation of others.

About Erin
Erin trained as an apprentice in Kute Blackson’s Coach Apprenticeship Program – a selective, rigorous, and immersive year long transformational coaching program that provides participants with powerful facilitation tools and transformational technology to help others shift on deep levels, releasing the layers that no longer serves their highest growth and evolution.
Her pure passion and desire to be of service and to create radical transformation, provides the inspiration and momentum needed to move forward on her path and share her gifts with the world.
Erin leverages her training, experience, and Reiki Level II certification, intuition, essential oils, sound, crystals, and oracle cards to create a truly magical and profound healing experience.