Introducing The BADASS YOU Activation - A FREE 3 Day Workshop
✖️ Ditch the self-doubt & voice inside your head that says you aren’t good enough & has you trapped in a cycle of people pleasing.
🧘 Unplug from the need for external validation & reconnect back to the TRUTH of who you are.
🔥 Become the most confident, authentic, unapologetic & unstoppable BADASS YOU 🤘.
A FREE transformational, deep-dive experience. September 6th - 8th, 2022. Workshop length: 45 - 60 minutes. Reserve your spot before they fill up 👇.
Virtual location & time TBD.

This is for you if you are ready to.....
Uncover the root cause of your people pleasing, perfectionistic, overthinking & self-sabotage tendencies & SHIFT out of these behaviors.
Bust through the limiting beliefs keeping you stuck, small, & in hiding, ninja warrior style.
Finally get out of your head & connect to your heart so that you can fully embrace & live in the present moment.
Tap into your inherent power, wisdom, worth, & confidence to unearth & show up as the BADASS you were BORN to BE.
Kick all self-doubt, self-criticism, guilt, shame, judgment, & negative self-talk to the curb, once & for all.
Greet yourself with a level of love, trust, compassion, & kindness that you didn’t know was even possible.
Experience inner peace, freedom, & confidence as you show-up, live, & radiate fully embodied as your whole, authentic self.

Through participating in this workshop, you will experience….
- The 3 KEYS to tap into your AUTHENTIC SELF
- The importance & HOW behind UNPLUGGING from EXTERNAL VALIDATION & how to begin to give yourself what you’ve always been seeking
- How to SHIFT out of being the VICTIM to take FULL RESPONSIBILITY for your life in order to GO AFTER your dreams, desires, & goals
- My FOOL PROOF method to GET OUT of your HEAD & CONNECT to your HEART
- Simply & effective SELF-LOVE practices + my TOP TIPS that will have you undoubtedly loving yourself more fully in no time

About Erin
Erin trained as an apprentice in Kute Blackson’s Coach Apprenticeship Program – a selective, rigorous, and immersive year long transformational coaching program that provides participants with powerful facilitation tools and transformational technology to help others shift on deep levels, releasing the layers that no longer serves their highest growth and evolution.
Her pure passion and desire to be of service and to create radical transformation, provides the inspiration and momentum needed to move forward on her path and share her gifts with the world.
Erin leverages her training, experience, and Reiki Level II certification, intuition, essential oils, sound, crystals, and oracle cards to create a truly magical and profound healing experience.
Get Inspired to Take the Leap
What Clients Have Said

Before working with Erin, I was working hard on myself but I had stalled doing what I was doing - focusing on improving my habits, trying to motivate & will myself to change, continuing to deny & run from my emotions so I could feel safe. I was looking for answers & for help.
I didn’t believe there was a man inside of me that could meet my own needs, I couldn’t even admit that my needs mattered at all. I had to discover that all the things I ever needed or wanted I could give to myself. It’s big, it’s important, & it’s true.
I discovered there exists within me many 'dark shadows' that cling desperately to limiting beliefs, telling me I have to live up to others' expectations to be accepted, that I need to be less than my authentic self to, be loved and to receive approval. The 'shadows' constructed a personality out of a projection of what I thought the world wanted to see.
Erin’s program gave me a spotlight, and when I shine it at that shadow, it reveals a scared child who is just doing what he was taught to do, living the messages he received a long time ago and identified with seeking love.
And I began to understand that he doesn’t need to be defeated, he needs my compassion, love, and acceptance.
I am finally beginning to love myself, to feel more complete by welcoming the sadness & shame that I’ve been running from, supporting myself by offering to meet my own needs without judgement, surrendering to the deeper knowing that I am capable, I matter, I am worthy - that’s trusting myself. It’s new, it’s powerful, it’s scary, & it matters. I’m in touch with who I am and I love this person. I am showing up as a better man every day, thanks to Erin and thanks to myself.
Anthony Giannetti

Before we started working together, I felt lost & disconnected from myself. I felt like I no longer knew who I was or what I wanted. All I knew was I didn’t want to feel that way anymore.
Something needed to change. I had just had a baby & was dealing with postpartum depression.
I originally sought out traditional therapy & dreaded every session. We just talked about surface things. And when I tried to talk about deeper issues, the therapist put a nice bow on it within 20 minutes & I felt no different.
I find it almost impossible to express how much & to the extent things have moved & shifted for me. I now understand some of my greatest needs & desires & prioritize me. I know that I am enough as I am. I do enough.
I actively focus on self-care & practice joy & gratefulness daily. I am less obsessed with getting all the things done & consciously practice releasing control.
I can better tune into my emotions & understand how to productively express them. I communicate better with others & without exception.
All of this has allowed me to show up better for my husband, daughter, family, & most importantly, for myself. Today, I have me.
I now realize that this is a journey to self-love, self-trust, self-awareness, & self-confidence. Working with you has provided me with so many tools that I keep in my toolbox & apply daily. THANK YOU.
Melissa Politi

Before I started working with Erin, I was struggling with feeling like I was enough, I didn’t feel comfortable in my own skin or believe in myself, I judged myself harshly & thought too much about what other people might think.
I was living in my anxious mind. The anxiety wouldn’t come and go, it would stay, haunting my thoughts and freezing me. I started to feel discouraged about my abilities to perform in my roles & I questioned how I could actually move forward successfully.
Today, I finally feel FREE to BE me!
I feel and see my life better than I have before. I trust & have more patience with myself. I have been speaking up and am present in everything that I do. The anxiety faded away as I am now able to be more present in my moments and pay attention to what I have in front of me, rather than living in my head with thoughts from my ego bouncing around loudly.
I am able to feel the strength of my power, and this has allowed me to speak more truth than I ever thought I could. I am prioritizing & taking care of my needs. I am now able to know how to ask myself what I need and not only find the answer, but also give it to myself.
I now know that I am enough. I am no longer in fear of what I do not know. I feel more of who I am and I am proud of myself.
Your purpose has changed my life. Thank you for acknowledging and living in your purpose, Erin.
Sara Victor

My word for the year is TRUST. Trust in myself. For myself. With others. With the Universe. With God. I am being patient with myself and TRUSTING that I am where I need to be.
The amount of compassion and love I have felt and feel for myself and others this year has been something I never knew was possible and this is just the beginning.
Thank YOU. For your work & support. For being the vessel of love, healing, guidance and compassion you gave me this year. With your work, I’ve learned tools with how to notice, acknowledge, and feel feelings, connect deeper with my inner Sammy, see my true self & make the choice to live and act in alignment with my highest self rather than allowing my hurt and scared little boy to guide my actions.
I wanted to think I could just keep chugging through the muck. But, I quickly realized how much pain was underneath the desire to continue to push & forge through. I knew I was truly ready to unearth this part of me. The shadow. The ego. The inner Sammy. The parts I for so long have denied, judged, suppressed and hated.
With the help of your work, I have found an understanding, a sense of compassion and even love for these parts of ME. The parts of me that once served me. The parts of me that I NEVER wanted to associate with.
Most importantly, I am learning to love ALL of myself on such a deep level and learning to give Sammy and me what we need. Your work has had such a powerful impact on my life, and I am forever grateful.
Sam Zeff

My experience working with Erin has radically changed my life!!
She helped me see, feel, and learn how to reconnect with my soul, enabling me to step into my own Divine Power.
Erin stayed completely committed to helping me every step of the way as I dug up years and years of suppressed emotions and limiting beliefs about myself.
Through our work, I was able to set healthy boundaries, see my situation from a new perspective, and feel very empowered & confident in my own divine self.
Looking back now, I can say that Erin’s coaching container was the catalyst for the major changes in my life that have since transpired.
Erin stayed committed to my work as well as myself!! I am beyond grateful for meeting her.
Thank you Erin for this Amazing Journey & for all of your guidance!!
Cyndee Freeman

Before working with Erin, I was already waist deep in my healing work with the ManKindProject, a community of men dedicated to supporting each other's healing from past wounds & trauma. When I met her, I knew in my heart that I was ready & open for more.
Erin’s coaching container has been absolutely magnificent at transforming my life.
She helped me to let go of deep-rooted daily anxieties that were stopping me from stepping into my power and embracing and being all my authentic self.
I find myself now laughing more at work, with family, and friends and am overwhelmingly more at ease with day-to-day life.
Also, I seem, now more than ever, to be attracting more and more of the right interactions with the right people.
In addition, I have rekindled a passion I have had since I was a child and with her help, worked through the major internal obstacles stopping me from following my true passion & heart's deepest desires.
Eric Szurek